Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The Importance of a Facebook Page

Welcome back!

This week in ALES 204, we made a Facebook page! You may wonder how this differs from your Facebook profile, so here's a simple distinction:
  • "Facebook page is a public profile that can be used to promote a small business, organization, band, or celebrity that allows fans to connect on a deeper level and attract new potential audiences. Businesses cannot have a friends' list on their Facebook page, however people can become fans and follow posts and statuses of the business."¹
  • Facebook profile is a personal profile, filled with photos, statuses and a friends' list.² This is separate from a page because profiles are not meant to popularize a business, person, or organization.¹ It provides a summary of who you are, your interests, and is a more up-to-date news feed of what is happening in that person's life.²
Before this class, I never thought of a Facebook page as a tool to connect with employers and provide an on-line "resume." I should've known better since everything has shifted to the cyber world. How often do we say, "Are you on Facebook?" when we meet someone new? I know you may not admit it, however, I am sure we have all Googled our names to see what shows up. Therefore, it's expected that a future employer would do the same to gain some background information on a potential employee. We must be aware of the consequences of our words and media we put forth on the web because once it's out there, it is virtually permanent. This could be just as fatal to our professional lives as handing in a paper resume riddled with spelling errors and bad grammar. That is why it is essential for us to know how to present ourselves in the most dignified and professional way when using social media as a tool to gain opportunities. Hence, this week's assignment! In ALES lab, we learned how to construct a Facebook page and design it in a matter that relays important and vital information to the business world. Here is a quick look at my page:

Jessie Brar's Facebook profile (taken January 26, 2012)
This Facebook page will be helpful in that it is a quick way for employers to gain insight into my goals, history, and even my personality. I find it important for people to see my true self, as a resume doesn't always show that a person is bright and bubbly. The page allows for creativity and can be a safe ground to share my thoughts and opinions. Additionally, a Facebook page is not meant to be an in-depth resume about job/school history, skills, interests, etc. It is a general overview of a person and allows to the person to control his/her image that is presented. Many times over, we have heard of people acting irresponsibly on Facebook and updating statuses that defame their place of employment. People must realize that this information is out for the world to see and your words can have detrimental effects. Many of us have bad days at work and love to vent, but most times, Facebook and Twitter are not the outlets to use. Bosses checking up on workers via Facebook is an article detailing people's irresponsible behavior by posting inappropriate pictures and using their blogs to talk ill of their boss. Also mentioned is the increasing trend of employers using these social networking sites to check up on current or potential employees. My question is: Where do we strike the balance between work and life?

If you're interested in viewing some of my classmates' Facebook pages, here's a link to Kelsey Rutar's blog. She is studying Human Ecology and if you like fashion and all its different facets, her page is where you want to be!

¹ Difference Between a Page and Profile on Facebook, Social Reflections, Retrieved January 23, 2012, from http://www.socialreflections.com/difference-between-a-page-and-profile-on-facebook/
² Profile, Facebook, Retrieved January 23, 2012, from http://www.facebook.com/about/profile/ 

1 comment:

  1. Jess, I had no idea what the difference between a facebook profile and a page were before ALES 204. I also think it's a great way to show potential employers a little more personality than a resume offers. Being conscious of the power of facebook can be a huge benefit for someone who is looking for a job, it can potentially make or break the job offer! It makes sense that employers google their future employees because they are a direct reflection of the company. I think many people are too comfortable when it comes to posting on their Facebook page. I know numerous times I have gone through my feed and cringed at what people were posting... I don't think your boss will be as impressed as your friends are when he finds out how drunk you were the night before work! But I think you did a great job at explaining how a Facebook page works and how it can help you out in the future.

    Julianna Lackowicz
